Author: Eden Estabrook
2,977 people killed in New York City, Washington, D.C., and outside Shanksville, Pa.
2,753 people killed at the World Trade Center (WTC) site in Lower Manhattan.
343 New York City firefighters who died in the initial attacks and subsequent collapse of the WTC towers.
23 New York City police officers who died.
37 Port Authority officers who died.
184 people killed when hijacked American Airlines Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon.
40 passengers and crew killed when United Flight 93 crashed near Shanksville, Pa.
These are just a few of the numbers coming from the aftermath of the tragic events of September 11, 2001.
For years, “Never Forget” is echoed across 9/11 memorial events, social media posts, and any other medium Americans used to remember those lost from this life-changing day. After all, how could anyone forget? 9/11 changed the nation. “Never Forget” seemed like an unnecessary charge to Americans.
Until now.
On September 9, Young America’s Foundation (aka YAF) posted an Instagram video where one of their team members asked students basic questions about 9/11. The results are unfortunate.
All the while, schools are dedicating time and resources to incorporating progressive ideology into their curriculum, and students are lacking basic knowledge of historical events that shaped what our nation is today.
Think about those numbers. Think about the fact the youngest victim of 9/11 was just two years old. Think about the 3.1 million hours of labor that hard-working Americans spent to clean up the debris following the event. Think. Reflect. And Never Forget.
“Never Forget 9/11. Never forget that so long as America remains true to herself. America’s enemies are enemies of freedom. Never forget that America is worth defending.” - Ben Shapiro
The views expressed in this article are the author’s and do not necessarily represent those of Resident Skeptics.